Batchbook - #19 of Top CRM Programs

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Batchbook is the comprehensive and interactive CRM software that can make your entire sales team more effective. With Batchbook, each sales associate builds their own profile and then populates their profile with customer contacts and prospects. Batchbook then helps the sales associate to build a comprehensive profile of each client, and then identify potential sales opportunities. With that information, Batchbook will then help to create a prioritized sales funnel that the sales associate can use to go after more promising leads. Batchbook allows your entire sales team to exchange information and see what each other is doing. If your sales environment relies on collaborative efforts by the professionals on your sales team, then Batchbook has the features you need to get the most out of every customer contact. Batchbook also offers a task list feature that can help keep each sales associate focused on important tasks, and keep the entire sales team moving in the right direction as well.