Capsule - #13 of Best CRM Applications

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About Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Customer Relationship Management Application Capsule


Capsule CRM is a new and bold way to approach marketing. Most companies analyze customer data like gender, income, age and education to push specifics products to a certain demographic. CRM instead analyzes using data mining and pattern recognition and can use this information to group customers different and target specific audiences with products tailored to what they want. The software finds small problems customers may have to allow businesses to fix these areas or approach the group of consumers from a new direction. With CRM, you can keep track of your deals and proposals, allowing you to efficiently manage the pipeline (or future sales). The software will organize your e-mails and contacts, and allow you to attach specific conversations to a contact (customer, lead, vendor, etc.) so the information is easily available. CRM will fit whatever your business needs are, and is fully customizable.