Highrise CRM - #7 of Top Startup CRM Software

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Highrise CRM

Highrise CRM is a customer relationship management software developer that has extensive experience in working with startups to deliver them the best product possible. As a customer relationship management software developer, Highrise CRM is particularly interested in connecting the many disparate elements of traditional customer relationship management software platforms and transforming them into a more cohesive whole. For consumers, this means having access to a customer relationship management software platform that fully provides all of its features without making any sacrifices to accessibility. For software engineers, such as those on the IT teams of larger corporations, this also means crafting a product that is easily navigable and that can be tweaked to a company's specific needs at moment's notice. This intuitive mixture of innovation and adaptability has made Highrise CRM a favorite among startups, as they typically need a system that can quickly scale to their current needs.