Infusionsoft - #7 of Leading CRM Tools

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Team Screenshot from the Award Winning Best CRM Tools Infusionsoft


Infusionsoft is more than a singular piece of customer relations management software. The company behind this powerful cloud-based CRM solution was created in 2001, and it has since grown into one of the most respected producers of CRM software in the industry. Infusionsoft is their primary product, and it is aimed at helping small businesses reach new levels of success in the ever-expanding and highly competitive digital marketplace. This software takes all the most demanding aspects of the sales and marketing processes and automates them so the sales staff doesn't have to focus on those arbitrary tasks. When a brand takes advantage of the Infusionsoft CRM tool, they experience a profound increase in sales and lead generation. This is because the software is essentially its own hub of partners and resources for brands to use at their leisure to increase their revenue in whatever ways they see fit for their style and brand.